Round Top Swim and Tennis Club
106 Mount Horeb Road, Warren, NJ 07059
In order that all members may obtain the maximum benefit, enjoyment and safety from the Club, your Board of Trustees would like to acquaint you with your rights and responsibilities as a member. We ask that each member adhere to the rules and regulations and use good judgment in areas that have not been addressed. The Board reserves the right to take action against any member that does not adhere to the rules and regulations. Parents are requested to review these rules and regulations with their children prior to the opening of the pool on Memorial Day weekend.
1. Membership
a) A Family Membership covers a member, spouse and all unmarried children living at home who are considered dependents for Federal Income Tax purposed; and, full- time domestic help. Please note: Childcare providers are not permitted in the club without the children for whom they are caring.
b) An Empty Nester membership covers a cohabiting couple with no offspring or children aged 19 and over. To convert from Family Membership to Empty Nester a family must have been members for 10 years.
2. Club Hours
a. The Club will open the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend (including that following Monday) and will be open each weekend in June. Unless otherwise noted, the Club will be open every day starting the first day after Warren Township Schools are dismissed for the Summer Vacation.
b. Summer hours can be found on our Events pages.
c. Other than swim or tennis team members who are attending practice or lessons, no persons are permitted in the main pool before 12:00 pm.
d. The wading pool may be opened at 11am on weekdays, if lifeguard coverage is available.
e. The pool may be closed for weather, health conditions, maintenance operations or for any other reason deemed necessary by the pool manager.
3. Guests and Fees
a. An adult guest (18 or older) is permitted no more than a total of two visits to the Club during any season. Children 17 and under are permitted unlimited visits as guests of bonded members only.
b. All guests must be signed in at the front gate.
c. Any member who signs in a guest must be physically present at the pool while the guest is on the grounds. No exceptions to this rule will be permitted without the Board of Trustees’ approval.
d. Parents (Grandparents or senior citizens relatives) of members are admitted free provided that they are with their relative member.
e. Any person who does not qualify as a member, as outlined in Section 1a, must pay guest fees.
f. Childcare providers should be registered at the gate but will not have to follow the six-time visit rule nor pay the guest fee while they are in attendance with the children they are caring for. However, childcare providers are not permitted in the club without the children they are caring for.
g. No member under the age of 12 will be permitted to sign in a guest. (Excluding a registered childcare provider.) A responsible person must accompany all children under the age of 12 at all times.
h. A family should invite no more than six guests at one time. Exceptions will be made for parties, provided arrangements are made with the Club Manager at least one week in advance.
i. Parties are scheduled via the Member Splash App. All fees will be paid via the Member Splash App.
j. Guest Fees are payable online via the Member Splash App or in person via electronic means (no cash allowed). Rates are as follows (and subject to change): $10 per person ages 18 and up.
4. Health and Safety
a. Children 12 and under are required to pass the deep-water test prior to using the deep end of the pool. Children that have passed the test will be required to wear a wrist band at all times when using the pool, to indicate that they have passed the test. Records of children that have passed the test will be maintained in the clubhouse. Parents of children that wish to take the test should contact the club manager and he/she will arrange for a lifeguard to administer the test. Guests 12 and under are also required to take the test.
b. Use of masks and snorkels are strictly limited to supervised activities, classes or pool staff.
c. Use of balls or other throwing objects is allowed only at the discretion of the Pool Manager.
d. Water guns are only allowed outside the fenced in playground/pool area and at the Pool Managers discretion.
e. Admission to the pool can be denied anyone wearing a bandage, or anyone with a cold, cough, infections or inflamed eyes.
f. No food or glass containers will be allowed on the pool deck area of both pools.
g. Running, pushing, wrestling, ball playing or causing undue disturbances will not be allowed. Members involved in such activity may be asked to leave the pool.
h. No air-inflated tubes, rafts, jackets or toys will be allowed in the pools except at designated times.
i. Any child wearing any type of flotation device must be accompanied by a responsible adult at ALL TIMES and are limited to the shallow end of the pool. The responsible adult must be sitting on the edge of the pool watching the child. Children swimming in the deep end of the adult pool must be able to swim one full lap of the pool. Use of the deep end is at lifeguard/manager’s discretion.
j. Children not fully toilet-trained are required to wear rubber pants over swim diapers in the pools. Swim diapers alone are not sufficient.
k. Sand must be rinsed off of children’s feet before entering the pool.
5. General
a. All persons using the Club facilities do so at their own risk. The Club assumes no responsibility for any accident or injury to any member or guest in connection with their use of the Club facilities.
b. The Club assumes no responsibilities for the loss or damage of property of any member or guest.
c. All games, balls, paddles and pool equipment must be returned to the Club House. The cost of any Club property broken, damaged or removed by any member or his guest will be charged to the responsible member.
d. Smoking is prohibited on club grounds.
e. All cooking is restricted to the grills provided next to the Snack Shack. Please check with the Snack Shack personnel to confirm which grill(s) are available for members. All other cooking devices are prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the Board of Trustees.
f. Consumption of alcohol by minors is strictly prohibited.
g. Any member claiming a “special” situation, which would exempt him/her from any rule, must make such a request in writing to the Board of Trustees.
h. No sand or water shall be allowed on playground slides.
6. Diving Board Rules
a. One person on the board at all times.
b. There is a maximum weight limit of 250lbs on the diving board.
c. Only members taking supervised diving lessons or dive team participants will be permitted to move the fulcrum. The fulcrum should be chained to the least bouncy setting at all times when a dive instructor is not in attendance.
d. Children 12 and under must have passed the deep-water test prior to using the diving board.
e. All persons waiting to use the board must do so on the concrete deck (not on the ladder or back of the board).
f. When using the board you must jump/dive straight off the end of the board.
g. After going off the board, swim directly to the ladder.
h. Any persons using the diving board in a manner deemed unsafe by the Pool Manager will be prohibited from using the diving board.
7. Wading Pool Rules
a. Only children 7 years of age and younger are permitted in the kiddie pool.
b. A parent or guardian (adult) MUST supervise children using the kiddie pool.
c. PLEASE wash off children who have been playing in the sandbox before allowing them to enter the kiddie pool.
d. No one is allowed to stand on, or play on the middle island.
e. Do not block the flow of the fountain with any toys, kick boards, etc.
8. Lap Lane Rules
a. Lap lane must be relinquished to swimmers swimming laps. Swimmers wishing to use the lap lane may request that the lifeguard notify non-lap swimmers to clear the lane.
b. When sharing the lap lane with others, please swim in a counter clockwise direction or any other pattern agreed upon by all parties.
Again, we solicit your cooperation in following these rules and regulations. Many of them have been adopted for safety reasons and/or at the direct request of our insurance company and/or the Township of Warren. Failure to comply with these rules may be considered sufficient cause for immediate suspension of Club privileges for a period to be determined by the Board of Trustees, or may be considered sufficient cause for cancellation of membership at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.